Marmalade Matters! Children from Stainton C of E Primary School will be travelling to London on 17th January for a rather unusual school trip – they have been invited to sing at the Embassy of Japan, in the presence of His Excellency Ambassador Mr Koji Tsuruoka, as part of the launch of the now famous 14th World Marmalade Awards and the inaugural Japanese Marmalade Awards.
Stainton School has long been an integral part of the World’s Original Marmalade Awards & Festival, which take place annually at Dalemain, Cumbria. As it is our local school we have funded their trip to London.
The children open each Award ceremony by singing the ‘Marmalade Song’, in which they announce their love for the sticky preserve – better than caviar for eating with the Queen! As the Awards have grown, attracting thousands of entries worldwide and launching sister events in Australia and Japan, founder Jane Hasell-McCosh was keen that this spirit of fun and imagination not be lost: “The children have always been key to the Awards,” Jane said. “As well as bringing such fun and joy to the presentation, one of the principles of the Awards is that we want marmalade making to be something that involves all the family.
“Children are the next generation of marmalade makers, and by putting them at the heart of the launch we hope to inspire them and many others to learn more about not just marmalade making, but growing citrus as a whole. As soon as we knew that the event was to take place at the Embassy I knew I wanted Stainton School to be there, and we are so grateful to The Lakes Free Range Egg Company, whose generous funding has made this trip possible.”
The children’s trip is funded by the Lakes Free Range Egg Company, a local family business, with additional support from Lakeland 100 Epic Kidz.
David Brass, CEO of The Lakes Free Range Egg Co Ltd said; “As a local, ex Stainton Schoolboy myself, I am very pleased we are able to support this trip for the staff and pupils of our local school. Family values and traditions are at the heart of what we hold dear at The Lakes.
“This is a valuable educational opportunity for our local school children to visit London and see first hand the cultural differences while at the Embassy reception. As supporters of local food and farmers, The Lakes are honoured to be able to support the global success of The Dalemain World Marmalade Awards and Festival.”
The 2019 Marmalade Awards & Festival will take place at Dalemain Mansion on Saturday 16th March, where the children will once again be launching the festivities. The Japanese Marmalade Awards will take place in Yawatahama, Ehime in May 2019. Plans are underway to teach local Yawatahama school children the ‘Marmalade Song’, the perfect symbol of the power of friendship and marmalade around the world.
Back home we are always keen to encourage youngsters to bake. In past years we have made Marmalade Muffins with Hunter Hall School who also take part in the Marmalade Weekend – have a look at our recipe for Mini Marmalade Muffins