Cumbria Horse Trials celebrates its tenth anniversary this year and hosted a ball at The Halston Hotel in Carlisle on Saturday night. The Lakes Free Range Egg Company has sponsored their events from the earliest days and we were delighted to present a new award this year, for the Junior Rider with most points across the season.
The Cumbrian Horse Trials built up from one event ten years ago, to a series of six British Eventing (BE) events this year – with several unaffiliated events to encourage the next generation. The idea of hosting an end of season event came from riders who competed together all year and wanted to finish the season with a flourish.
Lakes Free Range Egg Co sponsors from the early days
The Lakes Free Range Egg Company (The Lakes) has sponsored the event from the very early days, encouraging their children to take part and help run the events. Helen and David Brass, joint owners of The Lakes Free Range Egg Company said “we took our girls along to the first event and saw enthusiastic riders and families really enjoying the outdoors. We decided straight away to sponsor future events and have continued to do so. It’s important to support our rural communities, we like to encourage people who enjoy the countryside and keeping active – and our own girls love taking part too.
“The Mane Event Ball was a huge success and we were delighted to present a new trophy for the Ju nior Champion (scoring most points), to 12 year old Freya Gaitskell, it’s very important to encourage the younger riders who are the grass roots of the future.”
One of the great things about Cumbria Horse Trials is that they give unaffiliated riders chance to take part and try out an affiliated course. It’s a stepping stone which, in the past, has been a barrier for many riders. Being able to sample what it’s like to take part in an affiliated BE event, means novice riders can gain confidence in the range of jumps. Three awards were dedicated to this category.
Cumbria Horse Trials Director Douglas Weymouth said “We have really enjoyed building up our events during the last ten years and now have around 1800 riders who compete on a regular basis at our BE events. We would not have been able to develop these without the help of our sponsors including The Lakes Free Range Egg Company who have supported us since we started. I remember their first jump had a wooden carved hen and a basket of eggs sat beside it. It often got its beak knocked off! Today they feature their egg brands on our show jumping and cross country fences – we’ve all moved forward a great deal in the last decade.”
A full list of award winners can be found at Cumbria Horse Trials