This year’s Race for Life in Carlisle was a double yolk affair, with a Pretty Muddy 5K event on Saturday, followed by the regular 5k event on the Sunday. Introducing the extra event attracted new participants including a larger team from the Lakes Free Range Egg Company (The Lakes) based in Penrith. Six entrants from ‘The Lakes’ took part in the Pretty Muddy event, with a further three taking part in the 5k ‘Race for Life’ on the Sunday. Sponsorship is still being collected but already the sum raised is in excess of £500.muddy race ends

David and Helen Brass who own and run the Lakes Free Range Egg Company have supported the Carlisle Race For Life since 2011 when launching their ‘Laid With Love’ free range egg brand that supports cancer research. Helen and her daughters have taken part in the CRUK Race for Life every year, always aiming to beat previous times or running as a two legged race. They have encouraged staff to join them – with colleagues Helen Kent and Jane Edmond taking part for the first time last year, and they’re hooked.

Lakes Free Range Egg co get muddy at race for life
The addition of a Pretty Muddy Race this year attracted the attention of two new ‘Lakes’ team members, with Philippa Dawson Coates and QA Manager Linda Birrell joining the Brass youngsters. They all really enjoyed getting pretty muddy during the race.

Helen Brass, Helen Kent and Jane Edmond took part in the Sunday event at a fast paced walk that beat their previous time.

Watching the events unfold Helen Brass said “Pretty Muddy was just that – wet and dirty but every competitor had a smile on their face – a great way to keep the event fresh and introduce new people to ‘Race for Life’. It’s great to think we have a team taking part both days and it was nice to keep in touch with the Tesco Carlisle team who also had competitors in each event.

Race For Life team from Lakes

Our Laid With Love brand donates 2p per dozen to cancer research, but its events like this that really brings us together and reminds us what we want to achieve. We’re hoping the final total raised exceeds previous donations – muddy fingers crossed.


To find out more about Laid With Love brand, visit or call the Lakes Free Range Egg Company on 01768 890 460.