Keeping eggs in good supply –  by working with our customers

David Brass our Chief Operating Officer was speaking on the BBC Farming Today programme.  The Lakes Free Range Egg Company has been working with McDonald’s for over 15 years so we have a close working relationship. During these unprecedented times, we’ve been in daily contact, anticipating what would happen and putting processes in place to redirect our free-range eggs to retailers when McDonald’s closed its doors. We supply over 1 million eggs per week to McDonald’s – and these are now being redirected to our national supermarket customers like Sainsbury’s and Tesco.

It’s business as usual – our hens continue to lay eggs

You can shop LOCAL. We’re also working closely with our LOCAL food providers – to ensure people in Cumbria can still access free-range eggs. We have plenty of eggs – our hens are laying as normal and we’re proud to be supplying customers in Cumbria – including Cranston’s, Booths, Eva’s Organics, Rheged and the little shop at Bampton.

Hens and Lakes